Pregnant & Dripping Wet Read online

Page 4

  Rachel took the suggestion, pushing another finger into her stepsister’s ass, widening the hole, and penetrating in sustained and methodic motions. Anna’s rear eagerly accepted Rachel’s thrusts, providing little resistance as Rachel’s fingers moistly coursed in and out.

  “That’s great,” moaned Anna, her body rocking back and forth as Rachel pushed into her. Anna started gripping tightly onto her pussy, settling herself momentarily, then returning to her self-love. Her legs were quivering and Rachel could feel her stepsister shaking as she pressed up against her from behind. Anna’s ass then began contracting tightly around Rachel’s fingers, releasing them with an exhale, and then gripping them once more. Rachel could feel the grasps around her fingers as she penetrated, making it just a bit more difficult to push back in.

  With a hard ass clench and a big moan, Anna’s body shuddered and squirmed. Her legs kicked and her hand palmed her pussy, holding onto it tenderly. Rachel’s fingers remain lodged up in her stepsister’s ass but she ceased her thrusts, letting Anna journey through her passionate and jerky orgasm.

  “Oh God,” called Anna, smacking her head into the pillow and keeping her eyes closed tight. Her upper body rocked back and forth over her extended pregnant belly, her hand still firmly wedged between her thighs. Rachel gently rubbed Anna’s back and slowly pulled her two fingers out of her stepsister’s clenched hole.

  Reaching her hand over Anna, Rachel sweetly rubbed the underside of Anna’s belly and hugged onto her stepsister, feeling Anna’s squirms and quakes. The bursts of orgasmic energy began to wane, where at first they happened every few seconds, now it was up to ten or fifteen seconds between the little seizures.

  “Oh, thank you,” sighed Anna, rubbing her butt back into Rachel, cuddling into the spooning embrace that Rachel was giving her from behind.

  “You’re welcome, Sis,” said Rachel with a smile broadly across her lips.

  “Mmm,” hummed Anna, rubbing her palm over her still moist vulva. “I think I have to pee again.”

  When she said this, Rachel sat up on the bed and reached her hand down, taking hold of Anna’s knickers and pulling them the rest of the way down her legs and off her feet.

  “Let’s go,” said Rachel.


  Back in the bathroom, Anna stood in the tub wearing only the stretchy purple tank top, her pregnant belly hanging out of it at the bottom. She was nude from the waist down, running her fingers lightly through her soft pubic hair. Below her and kneeling in the tub was Rachel, still dressed in her black t-shirt and pink knickers, rubbing her palms up and down over Anna’s thighs.

  “You sure?” said Anna, smiling down at her stepsister.

  “Mm hmm,” replied Rachel, nodding her head emphatically.

  “Okay,” said Anna. She placed her hand over her pussy and spread her lips out with her fingers. Standing there for a moment, steadying her breathing, a thin stream of piss began to exit her pussy, dripping down her inner thigh. The stream then grew in force, squirting out from her body and hitting Rachel, running down the front of her shirt. As the strength of her stream grew, Rachel smiled and wiggled her top half, enjoyment spread across her face.

  Rachel leaned in closer now, putting her face in the path of her stepsister’s urination. Opening up, Rachel accepted a stream of Anna’s piss until it completely filled her mouth. Rachel let the piss spill out from the lips, down her shirt, and into the tub below.

  During all this, Rachel herself began to piss. Her pale pink knickers grew darker in color and trickles of pee dribbled through the fabric and out of the sides of her knickers. She leaned her face in close to Anna’s body, laying her head on Anna’s thigh, and massaging the underside of her stepsister’s pussy as she watched the continuous stream of piss jet out of Anna. Between Rachel’s own legs, a pool of yellow water was accumulating on the white porcelain tub.

  “Mmm,” sighed Rachel, gently gliding her hand up Anna’s pussy and sticking a finger out to interrupt the flow of her stepsister’s piss stream. As she did this, Anna’s urine coursed down over Rachel’s hand and down the length of her arm.

  Anna giggled as she watched Rachel.

  “You’re funny,” said Anna. “I love you,” she reached her hand over her pregnant belly and softly stroked her stepsister’s dark black hair.

  Rachel moved her hand down between her legs and caressed her own pussy over her piss-wet knickers. A few more squirts of urine came out of her, trickling down her thighs. Anna’s piss stream grew weaker, ending in a few soft squirts, until it was no more.

  “That was fun,” beamed Rachel, quickly standing up in the tub. She lurched out and hugged her stepsister tightly, her knickers still dribbling with remnants of piss.

  “I think we found a new activity to do together,” said Anna, returning her sister’s hug lovingly.

  “Definitely,” agreed Rachel. Stepping back from their hug, Rachel lifted her shirt up over her head and tossed it to the bathroom floor. Next she did the same with her soaked knickers, pulling them down her legs and over her feet, letting them fall to the tile squares next to the tub. She stood there nude in front her stepsister, wiggling her small chest back and forth.

  “You do me now,” said Rachel, leaping out of the bathtub and making her way toward the bathroom door. “Race you back to the bedroom.”

  “I’m pregnant!” exclaimed Anna. “No fair!”

  Rachel laughed as she busted out of the bathroom, making her way toward the hallway with little droplets of pee still dotting her inner thighs and dripping lightly to the floor. Anna followed her stepsister’s lead, jumping out of the tub and giving chase. They both felt alive and joyous in that moment as they bounded through the condo naked and wet, excited for the pleasures to come and jubilant that they had reinvigorated their already close relationship, taking it to a new taboo level of wonder and delight.


  “I’m so glad we could do this,” said Ren, adjusting her oversized sunglasses as she sat in the passenger side of the car. She wore a thin white cotton sundress that barely covered her thighs and diminutive yellow leather sandals on her feet. “This is the first time I’ve really gotten out since before I was pregnant.”

  “It gives a whole other meaning to Labor Day,” joked Trina, looking over from the driver side and grinning at Ren. The car flew down the highway at a nice cruising clip.

  “Sharp as ever,” said Ren, reaching out and lovingly putting her hand on Trina’s shoulder. Trina was a petite girl, laid back, cool and composed. She wore very short khaki shorts and a teal and black striped racer-back yoga-style tank top. With dark hair, an olive complexion, and smooth skin, Trina was a total knockout.

  “Well, I’m so excited that I could pull you away from the family,” said Trina as she kept her sunglass-covered eyes on the road, her hands fingering the bottom of the steering wheel of her sporty BMW. “Labor Day weekend away with just us.”

  “Are we still best friends even though I’m a mother now and we hardly see each other?” asked Ren half-jokingily, an uncertain smile spread across her lips as she anticipated Trina’s answer.

  “Babe,” said Trina matter-of-factly. “Yes, of course.” She turned her head and grinned at Ren lovingly. “You’re my one and only.”

  “That’s a relief,” said Ren, fussing her with dyed dark red hair. She smiled to herself as she tied her hair up into a lazy bun.

  “You think I’d leave you in the dust just because you started a family?” said Trina. “I figured it would be the other way around.”

  “No way!” exclaimed Ren. “You know how much I love you.”

  “Well, that’s just how it usually goes,” said Trina. “I never hear from Audra anymore.”

  “Not with me,” said Ren. “I need to spend time with my girl!”

  “Renny,” said Trina, looking over her sunglasses at Ren. “You’ve got something going on over here,” she said, pointing to Ren’s chest.

  “Huh?” said Ren, looking d
own at her chest. “Oh shit. Yeah, I know,” she said, bringing her hands up and touching the moist fabric over her breasts. The white cloth had grown a little darker and damp where her nipples met the dress. “I knew I should have worn a bra.”

  “Are you leaking?” said Trina.

  “Yes,” sighed Ren. “It happens. I’m lactating like crazy.”

  “You’re still breastfeeding?” said Trina.

  “I am,” said Ren. “I’m not really pumping anymore because he’s weaning off, but my tits are still full of milk.”

  “You’ll have to show me sometime this weekend!” teased Trina, grinning at Ren, and then making a kissy face at her.

  “Show you my milky tits?” said Ren, laughing at her friend’s implication. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I’ve never seen it in person,” said Trina. “C’mon, you can show your best friend.”

  “Oh yeah?” said Ren with a renewed sense of freedom and fancifulness. “How about right now?” Pulling her dress down over one of her breasts, she took her engorged tit in her hand and began to put firm pressure on it at the nipple.

  “Ren!” exclaimed Trina, giggling as she saw what her friend was doing. Her head moved back and forth from the road to Ren and she instinctively put up a hand to shield herself.

  Ren squeezed a few more times at her nipple until a milky white spurt shot out of it in Trina’s direction. As she did this, both girls were stumbling toward hysterics, laughing and amused. Another squirt of milk streamed out toward Trina and hit her blocking hand.

  “You’re crazy!” cried Trina, still tittering with excitement. “You got my hand!” Trina pulled her hand back and looked at it, a thin layer of creamy lactation coating her palm. She brought it down to her shorts and wiped it off.

  “Have you had enough?” threatened Ren jokingly. She held her tit pointed at her friend, her fingers gripping her nipple and ready to shoot.

  “Yes!” said Trina. “You got it all over my car.”

  “Well, it’s all over my dress now too,” said Ren, looking down and seeing a few streams of wetness down the front of her white dress. “So we’re even.” Ren pulled her dress back up over her breast and readjusted the fabric to get comfortable.

  “Your tits are way bigger than they used to be,” remarked Trina, bringing her eyes back toward the road.

  “That’s what happens when you become cow,” said Ren facetiously. “Two big bags of milk on my chest.”

  “I think they look good,” said Trina. “Big full breasts. I bet you turn a lot of heads with those.”

  “Oh my God,” said Ren. “I notice people looking all the time,” she said with a laugh. “Most people aren’t even sly about it.”

  “That’s hilarious,” remarked Trina.

  “Yep,” said Ren with a contented sigh. She looked down at her chest and again touched herself through the milky moist cloth, two big round soaking marks on either side of her dress.

  “So did I tell you about this cabin?” said Trina. “I can’t believe I was able to get it reserved on Labor Day weekend. Total luck.”

  “You told me a little,” said Ren.

  “You’re going to love it,” said Trina. “It’s small and quaint, faux-rustic. And it’s literally right on the beach of Lake Michigan.”

  “Sounds like it was pretty expensive,” said Ren.

  “Don’t worry,” said Trina, looking over to her friend and grinning. “I’ve got money.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” said Ren, waving off Trina but returning her friend’s smile.

  “I just want us to have a relaxing and fun weekend together,” said Trina. “I’m glad you’re with me,” she said, reaching her hand over and giving Ren’s bare thigh a light squeeze.

  “Me too, Trina,” said Ren, sweetly caressing her friend’s arm.

  “We’re getting close,” said Trina, looking off into the distance. “I can smell the water.”


  The door to the cabin flung open and in walked Ren and Trina, each with a duffel bag slung over their shoulder. Decorated in a blue and white nautical theme, the small cabin was little more than a single room with a kitchen jutting off to one side, a bathroom, and a little living area with two couches facing each other. The queen-sized bed took up most of the cabin and looked out through large bay windows, with an amazing view of Lake Michigan and the beach.

  “Small, but nice,” said Ren, sauntering into the room and tossing her duffel bag onto the bed. She put her hands on her hips and gazed out of the window toward the beach. “That view sells this place, though.”

  “Damn,” said Trina, joining Ren and looking out of the window. “We’ve got to get down there and into that water.” She dropped her duffel next to Ren’s on the bed.

  “I definitely need to change out of this dress,” said Ren, looking down at herself. Her breasts had leaked even more since their car ride, streams of wetness running down the front of the light cotton fabric. Two large moist spots hovered around her nipples. “My dress is a milky mess!”

  “Ha!” laughed Trina. “Can’t take you anywhere.”

  “They kinda ache, too,” said Ren, tenderly applying pressure to her tits over the thin fabric. As she squeezed them softly together, the wet spots near her nipples grew even soggier and her areolas could be seen through the white dress.

  “So what do you do to alleviate that?” asked Trina inquisitively. “I mean, it must happen a lot.”

  “Well, when I was pumping it was easier,” said Ren. “But I’m weaning my body off the pump. So I guess I just milk them myself when they get too tender.”

  “Or else they leak all over your clothes, huh?” said Trina.

  “I guess so!” said Ren with a laugh.

  “Well,” started Trina, bumping her hip into Ren’s lightheartedly. “Let’s milk them so we can get down to the beach!”

  “Let’s?” asked Ren. “You and I?”

  “Come on,” said Trina. “I can join in the fun. This is our weekend!”

  “You don’t think it’s weird?” said Ren.

  “How many times have I seen you naked?” Trina replied. “Besides, I want to see how you do it.”

  “Okay,” said Ren with a bit of nervousness in her face. Reaching to the sides of the top of the white dress, she carefully slid it down over her breasts. Her breasts were bulging and engorged, obviously swollen and enlarged with milk, a couple of blue veins noticeable beneath her light skin. Ren’s areolas, too, had grown puffy and inflated, and were dark pink in color. She continued sliding her dress down her torso until it moved past her hips, revealing a pair of bright white boy short knickers. The dress then fell to the ground and Ren stepped out of it.

  “You look great,” said Trina, sizing up Ren’s body. “Your belly even looks good for having just been pregnant.” Trina reached out and grazed her hand over Trina’s stomach. As she did this, Ren felt a tingle move through her and she sucked in her tummy in anxiety.

  “Thank you,” said Ren, now suddenly shy. She looked away from Trina and blushed.

  “So what do you do now?” asked Trina, standing close to Ren and looking to her friend’s chest.

  Well,” began Ren, looking to her chest with Trina. “I take my nipple between my fingers,” she said, demonstrating the action. “Then I squeeze and pull.” With her thumb and forefinger, Ren started pulling at her nipple, compressing it between her fingers, rolling it slightly. She cupped the underside of her tit with her palm and used the rest of her hand to apply even more pressure, certainly not shy about firmly yanking at herself.

  Before long, the tip of her nipple started to leak a creamy whiteness, a large globule of milk seeping out and dripping down her breast. And then a squirt shot out from her nipple, two streams of opaque water firing off in different directions from the tiniest of holes in her nipple. One of these streams surprised Trina, squirting her on her own belly.

  “I love it!” laughed Trina, looking down at her now-wet stomach and rubbing the moisture into the fa
bric of her tank top.

  “You love it?” asked Ren with a snicker. “You’re crazy!”

  “I think it’s kind of hot,” admitted Trina, giving her friend a toothy grin.

  “Shut up,” said Ren, holding both of her tits tenderly and massaging her nipples. “You think it’s hot?”

  “Well, yeah,” said Trina, stepping even closer to Ren now and reaching out to her chest. Trina ran her finger over the tip of one of Trina’s nipples, collecting a drop of milk onto her finger. She pulled her finger back and then brought it to her mouth, tasting the cream with a smile.

  “Trina!” called out Ren with surprise. “What are you doing?”

  “Let me milk you,” said Trina confidently. “I want to try.”

  “I don’t know,” said Ren with trepidation. “I’m nervous.”

  “Why?” said Trina, her hand reaching around Ren’s back and softly rubbing her bare flesh.

  “It’s just kind of weird, isn’t it?” said Ren.

  “Remember that time in college?” asked Trina softly, her breath warm in Ren’s ear.

  “Mm hmm,” said Ren, nodding her head and taking a deep breath.

  “Maybe this weekend could be sort of like that,” said Trina in a whisper. Then she kissed Ren’s ear.

  “I’m married now,” replied Ren, her voice filled with nervous excitement.

  “I just can’t help myself,” said Trina. “There’s something about you lactating that is just…” she said and then shivered with a grin on her face. “It’s just riling me up.”

  “Trina,” started Ren. “I’m just so confused why you’re bringing this up now. I thought we had decided to not do that again.”

  “It’s these,” said Trina, her hand cupping over one of Ren’s nipples, giving it a firm pull. Milk oozed out slowly as Trina did this, her hand getting a thin stream of creamy lactation on it. “I’m just entranced.”

  “We can’t tell anybody, Trina,” said Ren conspiratorially. “I’m straight, I’m married, I have a family. Nobody can know.”

  “You’re remembering college,” grinned Trina, leaning in and softly placing a kiss on Ren’s lips.